All people naturally want to look young and beautiful. Women in particular enjoy looking young. To look good, women apply makeup and style their hair. Women do a variety of things to keep up their appearances.
Women enjoy changing up their appearance, and many of them get makeovers to do just that. Sometimes you may know deep down that you should make a change, but you may not know why. Here’s a fantastic solution for those who fall into that category. Together, hairstylist Olga Tarasova and makeup artist Oksana Trunova freestyled these makeovers. They have done an amazing job styling a lot of women who needed a change but had no idea. Take a look at their gorgeous makeovers by scrolling down.
More info & Photo courtesy: oxanatrunovamakeup | VK





Many of Oksana’s clients are in need of change. However, they had no idea how they wanted to appear, so Olga and she had come up with a fix. The “Blind Makeovers” project was initiated approximately five years ago. She had been noticing people walking down the street and considering the adjustments they should make. They had generated ideas as a result of that.





Future clients who arrive without a clear idea in mind can benefit from the ideas they have. They provide hair coloring, hair cuts, makeup, and, lastly, they take a picture of the gorgeous client. Additionally, they have a brief conversation with the clients before beginning the makeover.





Though talking with the clients they try to get an idea about the person and decide what look they need. Afterward, they start to do the makeover but before that, they cover all the mirrors around. That’s why these makeovers are called Blind Makeovers, the client gets to see themselves only after the makeover is complete.



So you can see in these images who amazing the makeovers are. Make sure to leave a comment below sharing your thoughts about these amazing makeovers.
