It’s incredible that we can now record special moments in our lives with cameras. All along, photographs have been the most wonderful and appropriate means of keeping our memories alive. However, have you ever considered reliving those wonderful times so you can relive the memories?
Well, there are people who recreate their memories so that they live those special moments again. Just like us, there are photographers who love recreating the moments that they have captured on camera. Today we bring you about this amazing photographer, Chris Porsz who had been recreating images that were taken 4 decades back. Scroll down to have a look at the amazing recreations.
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Chris is a well-known British photographer best known for his outstanding project “Reunions.” Chris’s ability to replicate photos of the same subjects in the same settings with identical posing makes this project unique. His initial photos were taken in the 1970s and 1980s, and he is now, approximately 40 years later, recreating those images. He completed the first part of the project, and Reunion 2 was just released.
#2 Mr. Gino (Original 1980 – Reunion May 2021)

Ice cream seller Genesio Borrillo (aka Gino) is pictured in Cromwell Road serving Zahida Parveen. He bought an ice cream van when he moved to Peterborough from Italy and travelled around the city in the summer selling ice creams. In 1992 he set up a pasta shop in Peterborough, which he still runs with his wife Clara and daughter Lucia. He has three children and four grandchildren. Zahida said: “I used to live near Cromwell Road and I’d often buy an ice cream from Gino, I usually had a cone with strawberry drizzle and sometimes a chocolate flake. I think I was about seven in the photo.” Zahida still lives in Peterborough and has three children and a grandson. She added: “It was lovely having my picture taken again.”
Gino and Zahida’s 1980 picture appeared in Reunions 1 but with just Gino outside his pasta shop in 2014 as the girl could not be found. Chris added: “It was wonderful to find Zahida and to be able to reunite her again with Gino in the same location 41 years later.” Thanks to Israr for the ice cream van./image credits: chrisporsz
#3 Carrot And Stick (Original 1981 – Reunion July 2021)

Chris said: “It was one of the most surreal and funniest reunions I have ever done. All thanks to Bernard who was a great sport and up for a laugh and to Vanessa and Jerry Rice at Four Acres of Thorney, near Peterborough who kindly provided 10-year-old Jessica. They have four others donkeys, Dyliss, Molly, Ronnie, and Reggie who kept trying to get the carrots too.”
/image credits: chrisporsz
#4 Ever Ready (Original 1980 – Reunion August 2020)

Chris added: “As you can see from their faces they loved getting back behind the counter and wanted to remain to serve a few more customers.”/image credits: chrisporsz
#5 Ford Cortina (Original 1980 – Reunion June 2021)

#6 Red Hot (Original Circa 1981 – Reunion August 2020)

Tim added: “I returned home for a more settled, safer, and quieter life so became a security guard in the local job center as I am a sociable person and I like meeting and helping people.” Tim, who has a daughter called Gwendoline, retired in 2012 and is a regular at the Wortley Almshouses where he enjoys real ale and the good company of his friends. Tim went to a forge in the village of Thorney for his reunion photo in 2020, where he met blacksmith John Downing. He added: “I saw the forge and it started pulling on my heart strings, it brought back lots of lovely memories.”/image credits: chrisporsz
With the Bored Panda, he shared about his project “Reunions”. It was in 1972 that he had first picked a camera to record a trip along with his girlfriend who is now his wife. After that, he had been into taking photographs. But after he became a dad he had been busy with work and had not touched a camera for some time.
#7 Fun At The Fair (Original 1985 – Reunion May 2021)

#8 Lollipop Lady (Original Circa 1984 – Reunion September 2020)

“It was great fun re-creating the photo in uniform with a new lollipop pole and I had not lost my touch as the cars kept stopping, so it brought back lots of happy memories. We had a good laugh and it was lovely to see the girls all grown up.”/image credits: chrisporsz
#9 Owl And Burger (Original 1984 – Reunion August 2020)

#10 Frogs, Vikings, And Gluttons (Original 1989 – Reunion August 2020)

#11 Four On A Bench (Original 1985 – Reunion September 2020)

And after so many years his love for photography had rekindled in 2009. He had sent some of the images he had clicked to the Peterborough Evening Telegraph paper and after that people had started to recognize themselves on the images. And that’s when the idea of recreating the images had hit his head. After searching for years and recreating the images he had published his first set of reunions which consist of 134 images in 2016. He had said that he was overwhelmed with the positive response that people had shown towards his “Reunions” photo set.
#12 Lesley And Chris Porsz (Original 1971 – Reunion January 2021)

#13 Scoop Purchase (Original 1980 – Reunion April 2021)

He added: “It was great to go back and re-create the photo and catch up with family. I’ve got a copy of the picture on my wall now.” The shoe shop is now a Ladbrokes. Thanks to Sally Wells for loaning the pram for the reunion photo and the Salvation Army Superstore in Long Causeway for the props./image credits: chrisporsz
#14 Dad And Daughters (Original 1994 – Reunion April 2021)

#15 Mates (Original 1982 – Reunion April 2021)

#16 Pyschobillies (Original June 1983 – Reunion August 2020)

As the photographer said, recreating the images had not been a child’s play. It had been tough to find the people who are total strangers to you and to convince them to recreate an image that they might not even remember. And also some people who were old at that time had even passed away. He had said he was glad that he photographed people of different ages. If not sometimes the project could not have been possible as many of them might have passed away.
#17 Andy Ireland (Original 1981 – Reunion 2020)

#18 Snoggers! (Original Christmas Eve 1980 – Reunion October 2020)

#19 Tea Break (Original Circa 1983 – Reunion September 2020)

#20 Boy To Man (Original 1982 – Reunion February 2021)

Chris said: “When I took Mohammed’s picture nearly 40 years ago I never thought I would ever see him again, so it was wonderful to see how he now towered above that wall and to be able to stop and chat about those intervening years.”/image credits: chrisporsz
#21 Madhouse (Original 1991 – Reunion August 2021)

During the whole process, there had been some challenges he had faced. There had been times that he had to delay the shoots due to covid, weather conditions, sicknesses of the people who are to be photogra[hed and many more reasons. Also, there had been people who had not come even after saying that they would be there.
#22 Famous Five (Original 1980 – Reunion May 2021)

#23 Emma And Abbey (Original 1996 – Reunion March 2021)

Emma said: “Abbey and I used to go to town every Saturday, shopping and spying on the boys! My dad spotted us, called out our names and we turned, snap! It was so nice to catch up again after all those years. It was like things had never changed!” Emma, who now has two children, always enjoyed sport at school and became a PE teacher and personal trainer. She enjoys boxing, camping, hiking and working out in the gym and garden to keep fit./image credits: chrisporsz
#24 Sister Bambridge (Original Circa 1980 – Reunion August 2020)

Chris said: “I would often go along a line of accident victims with a bucket and sponge so that the nurses and doctors could see what they were dealing with.”
Bess added: “It was horrendous as people would go through the windscreen and I would spend hours carefully taking the glass out of their faces. There weren’t as many members of staff in A&E in those days and less paperwork. It was very hands on. I remember one morning at 7.15am the porter called me as there was a couple with their 13-year-old daughter in the car and she was having an asthma attack. There was no receptionist or doctor around and I resuscitated her in the back of an ambulance. I’ll always remember that day. Fifteen years later her family sent me a photo of her at her wedding and said she wouldn’t be alive if it hadn’t been for me. The job was very rewarding. We saved lives and helped people every day.” Elizabeth is now retired and does charity work for the Thorpe Hall Sue Ryder hospice. She lives in the village of Thorney and the reunion photo was taken in her back garden./image credits: chrisporsz
#25 Flares (Original 1980 – Reunion June 2021)

#26 Buggy Kids And Mr T (Original 1987 – Reunion May 2021)

It had not been all about difficult situations, there also had been lovely moments with the people. Some people had been so happy to reunite with people with whom they were not in contact. But anyhow after going through a lot he had been able to recreate these lovely images. Also, he had made friends with people who were total strangers to him.
#27 Fur Coats (Original 1980 – Reunion May 2021)

Karen Pycroft, who had three daughters, died aged 47 and her sister, Helen, stood in for her in the reunion photo. She has two sons and a daughter. She said: “It was lovely to recreate the picture on behalf of Karen.”
Amanda Bayford (nee Phillips), Pamela Albanezi (nee Bevilacqua), Lisa Springthorpe, Carmelina January (nee Bevilacqua), and Karen Pycroft (left to right) were out on the town in Peterborough wearing their fur coats in 1980.
Amanda was waiting for her boyfriend Mick, who later became her husband, in the town square and photobombed the picture as she knew the other girls from school. She said: “I would have been about 18. I think it must have been a Saturday night and I was waiting for Mick.” The pair met in 1978 and have now been together for more than 40 years. Amanda has worked part-time at a school for the last 20 years, still lives in Peterborough, and has three children.
Pamela lived in America for 22 years and returned to Peterborough in June 2006. She has three children and now works nights as a cleaner at the hospital. She said: “We would have been on a pub crawl in Peterborough. I was best friends with Helen Pycroft, but she remained at home and her sister Karen joined us that night. I’m still great friends with Helen, we’re like soul mates.”
Lisa said: “I was about 15 in the picture and best friends with Karen. The others were all a little older than us but we were all good friends, lived near each other and grew up together. They were some of the best years of my life.” Lisa, who has a fiancé and now lives in Downham Market, said she lost touch with the girls over the years but they plan to meet up now they are back in touch. She added: “It was lovely to see them all again.” Thanks to Alison Lynn for loaning Lisa her mother’s coat.
Pamela’s sister, Carmelina January, has lived in Lowestoft for 24 years and has two children. She said: “I was 17 in the picture and would have been potato and onion picking at that time. There are only 11 months between me and Pamela so we call ourselves twins for one month of the year. Helen had a baby so she didn’t come out that night and her sister Karen came out instead. I remember we wore rabbit fur coats.” Carmelina has worked in a school kitchen for the last 20 years. She added: “I tried to leave but my children loved the hours I worked and the fact I had the long school holidays with them so I stayed.” Her daughter lent her a fur coat for the reunion photo. She still sees Helen a lot and all the friends are planning another catch-up soon.
Karen Pycroft, who had three daughters, died aged 47 and her sister, Helen, stood in for her in the reunion photo. She has two sons and a daughter. She said: “It was lovely to recreate the picture on behalf of Karen.”/image credits: chrisporsz
#28 Ducking Stool (Original 1985 – Reunion July 2021)

Chris added: “My original idea was for Cheryl to jump in from a chair until she told me about her recent knee replacement! Worryingly she fell in, which explains why she is soaking wet and Pam is laughing her head off! As you can see it was a really fun reunion but this time in her garden on a very hot summer’s day.”/image credits: chrisporsz
#29 Wedding Rings (Original 1981 – Reunion September 2020), Howard And Sharon

The pair, who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in 2021, bought their first house in Peterborough in 1980, but spent a year renovating it before moving in together after they got married. Sharon worked for SodaStream after leaving school, then in 1984 she became a stay-at-home mum. Howard worked as an engineer for Royal Mail for nearly 40 years until retiring seven years ago./image credits: chrisporsz
#30 No Parking (Original 1978 – Reunion September 2020)

He said: “In 1978 the winter was so severe the roads were frozen and the diesel froze so there were no buses or cars. Out of 26 traffic wardens, my friend and I were the only two to turn up for our shift after walking several miles to work. I remember the working conditions were very strict and we weren’t allowed to walk in pairs, not even to lunch.”/image cerdits: chrisporsz
#31 Brothers On The Wall (Original Circa 1982 – Reunion July 2021)

Comment below what you think about these amazing recreations.