Numerous animals have called this planet home at various points in history. We currently live on it. Those ancient creatures pique our curiosity even though we humans do not live on the same planet as them. Artists have attempted to capture their interpretation of these incredible creatures in their works of art ever since the early 1900s.
Pop culture helped to familiarize the world with prehistoric animals as art forms and technology developed together. We are able to discover more about these amazing creatures thanks to emerging technologies and information. “Paleorex” is one of the many individuals who are interested. Paleoartist Paleorex is his social media handle. An artist who uses their medium to portray paleontology is known as a paleoartist. To portray these creatures from his own point of view, he produces incredible graphical art. To view them, scroll down below.
More info & Photo courtesy: paleorex
#1. Velociraptor.

This animal is widely misinterpreted through pop culture. But this dinosaur shows very similar features to today’s birds, especially feathers.
#2. Smilodon.

This is a 250-kilo cat that lived around 10,000 years ago. With sharp fangs growing out of its mouth, it hunted mammals and was an apex predator of its time.
#3. Dorygnathus.

This flying creature hunted aquatic prey in shallow waters. It lived around 180 million years before us and its beak makes it very unique.
#4. Triceratops.

This is one of the most iconic dinosaurs to ever live on Earth. With its horn structure, strength, and bone structure, it could fight against even the mightiest predators of its time.
#5. Barbourofelis.

This was also a large cat that had saber-like fangs growing out of their mouths. These animals are agile but ferocious predators of their time.
#6. Stegoceras.

These animals lived around 75 million years ago. Very famous for their thick skull, they are plant-eating animals who would use their heads to
#7. Tupandactylus.

A type of pterosaur which a distinctive beak that is large and noticeable.
#8. Arctodus.

Weighing around 700 kg, this bear dominated the plains in the Ice Ages. Known for its huge build, it had a massive advantage making it a fine predator for that age.
#9. Guanlong.

This type of dinosaur was the very first generation that lead to the evolution of the T-Rex 95 million years before it walked the Earth.
#10. Brachiosaurus.

This dinosaur was the largest to have ever lived on Earth. Because of its composition, it was impervious to practically all Mesozoic-era predators. It is roughly 50 metric tons in weight and 26 meters long overall. Life will never be this large.
#11. Ambulocetus

This is a dog-like creature found around the Pakistan region. It lived both on land and in the water around 48 million years ago.
#12. Hamipterus.

This bird was placed in the early Cretaceous-ages. Located in China, this animal had a 3.5-meter wingspan making it a medium-sized flying dinosaur.
#13. Pachycephalosaurus.

This dinosaur was known for its thick skull and head-butting in the Late-Cretaceous-Period.
#14. Allosaurus.

This is the predator at the top of the food chain. It hunted both herbivores and carnivores in the Jurassic-era. Its fossil suggests that it could’ve grown up to 12 meters.
#15. Bambiraptor.

A bird-like creature who walked with feathers covering its body. It is suggested that these creatures could have grown up to 1.5 meters in length and 5 kilos in weight.
#16. Inostrancevia.

A canine sort of animal that had long saber teeth. It was located in the Russian region in the Late-Permian-period. These animals can grow to 3.5 meters in length and 300 kilos in weight.
#17. Parasaurolophus.

This dinosaur was another iconic animal. The bony crest on its skull makes it special. Weighing over 2 tons, this animal was a big herbivore back in the Cretaceous-period.
#18. Pterodactylus.

These were also a popular set of pterosaurs that lived in the Late Jurassic-era. Even though they were not the biggest flying dinosaurs, these are most likely the most popular ones.
#19. Psittacosaurus.

This is a dinosaur from the Early-Cretaceous-ages. It becomes very recognized because of its short but tall appearance as well as its beak-like snout to cut and eat plants.
#20. Stenonychosaurus.

When compared to its body size, this animal’s brain was among the largest. With its velociraptor-like build, it appears that this animal hunted smaller prey.
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