You can do great things in life when you are with the one you love. Life is a wonderful journey. In this tale, a couple successfully brought a piece of dead land back to life.
As everyone is aware, the globe has been contributing significantly to global climate change in recent years by releasing large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Every day, enormous tracts of land are cleared, destroying the ecosystems in the process. Sebastião Salgado, a Brazilian photographer, and his spouse Lélia Deluiz Wanick have a delicate relationship with this subject, and this is their gift to the planet. To read more of this incredible and motivational tale, scroll down.



Salgado was shocked to see this plot of land, RPPN Fazenda Bulcão, with so few trees on it. Salgado began by planting about 4 million plants in a methodical order with his wife and a small organization named “Instituto Terra.” He persisted in his endeavor to revitalize this land until the natural world caught up with him. After giving its heart a boost, Salgado kept planting and protecting the land until it was turned into a forest.


Now it is the very proud home for over 293 species of plants. Also, this ecosystem holds around 33 species of mammals, 15 species of reptiles, 15 species of amphibians, and 172 species of birds.

Salgado explains how much ecosystems are important to our planet and its survival. The biggest contributor to minimize CO2 in the atmosphere is the greenery. He urges the need for the co-existence of humankind and nature.

He and his lovely wife, with the help of some very good people, showed the world that we can revive the land that is considered dead. Please comment on your thoughts about this matter and how we should contribute to healing this Planet of ours.
