Beauty has always been idealized by us. We all strive to be like the tall, slender models that we see on the ramp when it comes to fashion and popular media because we believe that this is what makes someone “beautiful.” People with dark complexion, short stature, and those who are not skinny never come out due to these dominant ideas, and they despise themselves for not fitting these ideals.

However, in this changing time, many dominant narrations are being subverted and so is the fashion industry. The popular fashion brand, Benefit Cosmetics has chosen a girl with Down syndrome not only for their marketing campaigns but also as the ambassador of their whole brand!

The heroine of our story, Kate Grant is a 20-year-old girl who has dreamt of a career in the fashion industry throughout her entire life. She received the crown in the Teem Ultimate Beauty of the World pageant and that paved the way to appear on national television during the “This Morning” program in 2018.

Her dream of becoming the first model with Down syndrome has indeed come true! Benefit Cosmetics never hesitated to offer Kate this enormous opportunity after realizing what a wonderful and kind woman she is. The business has locations throughout the globe, and Kate is currently featured in their most recent line of eyeliner products!

Kate is unquestionably the best person for this challenge, and the company has taken the right initiative in trying to change the standards of the beauty industry. We do applaud Kate and Benefit Cosmetics for their enormous success, and we think it is high time for all of us to think outside the box and modify our conventional mindsets!

Watch the video below. You will surely be dazzled by her beauty!


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