Adopting wholesomeness is a modest but effective action that can bring light into the shadowiest areas of our lives. Making the daily decision to act with kindness, empathy, and positivity shines like a beacon, warming people’s hearts and souls. The world becomes a happier, more hopeful place for everyone to share when small deeds of kindness, sincere smiles, and encouraging words are shared by all.
Being wholesome isn’t about grand gestures at all; it’s about the small, consistent efforts to spread joy and lift spirits. Whether it’s offering a helping hand, sharing a genuine compliment, or simply being present for someone in need, these acts of wholesomeness have the remarkable ability to brighten someone’s day. So, we collected a set of wholesome people doing wholesome things on reddit.
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The man’s girlfriend noticed that when he was a child, he had a strong desire for this exact lunchbox. But the financial circumstances of his family prevented that dream from materializing. The girlfriend finally located the exact lunchbox on eBay and ordered it for him after all these years.

This person set up his telescope outside a Walmart to help kids and any enthusiasts to have a peek at Saturn.

A city worker cleans up dirty and muddy set of blankets that were thrown away and places them on a bench for the needy.

Teachers at a kindergarten prepares a shelf for the kids who doesn’t have the luxury of certain daily products.

This Starbucks employee has a degree in zoology. He spreads wholesomeness at work by asking his customers what their favorite animal and telling fun facts about them while their coffee is being prepared.

At an airport gate, the passengers were grumpy because it was early hours in the morning. Someone turned the screens into looney tunes and, everyone were with wide smiles and laughter.

This musician let a kid with hearing difficulties lay his head on the instruments to feel the music.

A man in his old age, sitting by the side of his wife, feeding her ice-cream.

Istanbul locals have given out blankets to the street dogs during a snowstorm.

The glass cannot hold this friendship back.

As Netherlands observe 2 minutes of silence for the fallen of war. This Delivery boy stops his bike to pay respect.

This is what Christmas and humanity should all be about.

A paramedic helps his patient who is passing away to have one last glimpse of the sea.

A good girl indeed.

This man of 92 years of age crafting a card for his wife.