Not everyone is fortunate enough to lead a life devoid of issues and illnesses. Many animals suffer greatly from diseases they are born with, even in the animal kingdom. Matilda Beans, the kitten, had an upper respiratory infection at birth, and although her siblings were developing normally, her health was getting worse every day.
However, she was lucky to have met Ashley Kelley, a gracious woman who has made the decision to assist her in getting well. She had to put in a lot of work, but she is now content and well. In addition to all of these, Matilda had made a new companion in the form of a plush lamb named Lamby Beans. It’s a love tale, according to Ashley, between Matilda Beans and her infant Lamby Beans.
More info: Rescue Shelter’s Instagram | Ashley’s Instagram
#1 Here’s Matilda and her lovely toy Lamby Beans.

#2 Lamby had been there for Matilda throughout her recovery time.

#3 Matilda’s life was not an easy one she was born with many sicknesses.

Ashley had said to the Bored Panda that when she met the kitten she was just 9 days old. And that Matilda was a part of kittens who had come to their rescue and that she had URI. As the kitten was small it was hard for it. She had said that all the other kitten recovered when this little fellow worsened day by day.

#5 The other kittens had grown fine, but she was getting more sicker.


#7 Ashley had taken Matilda with her and helped her to recover.

It was decided, she had stated, to take Matilda home with her because she had ICU equipment with her and could easily keep an eye on Matilda. It took her months to help Matilda heal after she had brought her home.

#9 As she had not got any better the vets had suggested euthanizing her.

She claimed to have become sicker after Matilda was brought there. She also had severe corneal ulcers and a severe case of pneumonia in addition to her URI. Furthermore, the veterinarians recommended euthanizing Matilda due to her advanced illness. Ashley, though, had stated that she wasn’t prepared to give up and part with Matilda. She had claimed that after receiving nonstop care for a full month, she had recovered because the kitten was likewise determined to live. Matilda’s ulcers completely healed, despite the warning that she might not be able to see again.

#11 Ashley had taken care of Matilda as both of them were not ready to give up.


#13 After a good treatment now Matilda is healthy and fine.

She had stated that, even at 11 weeks old, Matilda still had some persistent lung scarring and congestion issues, but that they were actively addressing them. If not, she is lively and in excellent health. She had mentioned that Matilda enjoys both playing and giving affectionate, forceful nose licks.

She claimed that Matilda was doing well right now. And that even though she occasionally sneezes and gets teary eyes, the other cats there are not at risk from her illness. Additionally, they hope she does well. In addition, she had stated that Matilda is still looking for a forever home and that adopters needed to live four hours away from the Los Angeles area and have a young cat to keep her company. She had also stated that the adopters had to swear to keep her inside and ner declaw her.


Ashley had explained the reason why she had not given up on Matilda. She had said that she had fostered many sick kittens and not everyone could make it. And that she doesn’t give up on fosters unless it’s very hard for them to live, and had said that they say it to her in their ways. She had said that there are different symptoms but she can see it when they lose the light in their eyes. Ashley had said that the light in Matilda’s eyes never even dimmed.
She had said that she takes care of one litter at a time and when they are adopted she takes another one. Also that she’s specialized in sick or special need kittens. And had said that Matilda was special as she needed full-time care for a whole month.
#17 Matilda’s ulcers were cleared and she could see well though it was said she won’t be able to.



#20 She has had a good companion Lamby Beans and would never leave it alone.

She had mentioned that she had Lamby Beans in her collection of toys for washable cats. She had given Lamby to Matilda when she was three weeks old so that Matilda would have company in the incubator. After that, Matilda was bonded to the other kittens and they were never parted. and added that although she sleeps with Lamby now, she doesn’t spend as much time with it.

#22 Matilda now is fine and plays with the other kittens.


She had given some advice for those who want to foster. She had said that they should have good mental health as the animals need lots of care and emotions. And had said that many with special needs don’t make it but they can make it with a lot of help from the fosters. Also had said that it takes a lot of their time and energy to help them out. And fostering is fun and it’s lovely to help animals out.
#24 Matilda is a good example of why we shouldn’t give up.

She had said that Matilda is very lovely and is very energetic. And she always plays with other kittens and runs around. She had said that Matilda loves the other cats and even her children and the dogs in the house.
Ashley stated that she and her mother had begun fostering in 2006. They had initially taken in puppies before moving on to larger dogs. She had loved doing it after that, when she had fostered cats. She also adopted two large cats and took a break from kittens after getting married and having kids. Following her children’s school start, she resumed fostering kittens. She had mentioned that she had only lately begun to foster and assist kittens with special needs.