Can a person love a pet too much? Many will sacrifice anything for their buddies who are not human. Furthermore, by “anything,” we also imply things that, to many, may be utterly unnecessary, if not extravagant. particularly if the creatures in question are pigeons rather than dogs or cats!
Would you be willing to pay more than 4,500 euros a year to spoil, indulge, and take care of domestic pigeons? If your response was negative, you might disagree with the young British woman we are about to introduce to you, Meggy Johnson. She views pigeons as actual friends who should receive a great deal of care. Just consider how much she loves them—they even have a separate bedroom and wardrobe! Let’s spend more time getting to know them.

Credit: Meggy Johnson/Facebook
Sky and Moose are not simply pigeons, but rather have their own names.These birds, who lack everything from clothing and accessories to a cozy place to play and sleep, are true fashionistas.

Credit: Metro
Meggy has really made them a proper bedroom with all the space they need and their favorite toys and perches.Not only that, but the two pigeons have strollers of their own for the walks, a useful leash, and “ad hoc” attire so they can always be comfortable.

Credit: 110 MEDIA PLAY/Youtube
Maggie says, “I take them for walks on a regular basis; it’s nice for them to enjoy the natural light of the sun.” I spend up to 450 euros a month on them, but occasionally I spend even more,” the 23-year-old adds.On the days they were saved, I honor their birthdays and treat them with the same lavishness as I would any other member of my family.

Credit: Meggy Johnson/Facebook
Sky and Moose’s life was not always as rich and comfortable as it is now.Maggie nursed the two pigeons by hand till they recovered their health after they were discovered abandoned when they were still young.

Credit: 110 MEDIA PLAY/Youtube
“The bond you can make with them is truly amazing; they really are wonderful pets, maybe the best,” Maggie goes on, “even though some people call them flying rats and are disgusted with them.”

Credit: 110 MEDIA PLAY/Youtube
Maggy has chosen to take in more birds than just Moose and Sky. Snowy and Clee, two doves she discovered to be ill and in need of assistance, joined them.She provided them with all the care and attention required for them to heal and have fulfilling lives.

Credit: Meggy Johnson/Facebook
To put it briefly, this young girl decided to spend her time with really rare and special animals rather than the “usual” dogs or cats.
What do you think? Would you accept pigeons in your home or is it not for you?
source used: Metro